Andre Jordan

Lover of all things geeky/nerdy, Andre was introduced to HTML and CSS in 2006 by creating Myspace templates. It was not long before he realized it was actually HTML and CSS. After researching he began creating Street Fighter fan pages using Notepad. As a major in Computer Information Systems at Bentley University, he discovered he loved Web Development but not Software Development, specifically Java.

Working primarily as a Front-End Developer, in addition to some graphic designing, Andre began his career as an Assistant Developer for Web Services and the Alumni Center at Bentley, as well as several freelance and consulting projects.

Andre also had a hand in education, volunteering for Coder Dojo, a free program which teaches kids 7-17 web development and programming fundamentals, assisting in Web Development (Full-Stack) Intensives and Front-End Web Development classes at General Assembly, tutoring for Thinkful via online, and teaching courses at 3rd Ward.

Recently, Andre developed the site for the movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2 and an e-card generator for the movie Miracles From Heaven.

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